Merits & Tree Law Offices Authored the China Chapter of the International Asset Management and Investment Funds Review 2025/26
Eric Zou, partner of Merits & Tree Law Offices, a senior legal expert in cross-border asset management and investment funds, has been invited to be the contributing author for the China chapter of the International Asset Management and Investment Funds Review 2025/26, which is published by the international legal publisher Beaumont Capital Markets, in cooperation with The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), covering regulatory trends and market developments in the asset management sectors of several jurisdictions.
The China chapter ("China – Rapid Policy Development and Tremendous Opportunities for Foreign Asset Managers"), outlined the legislative and policy developments in China's investment funds and asset management sector over the past one or two years, summarized relevant achievements of China's accelerated opening up of the financial sector, and introduced the opportunities for foreign asset managers doing business with or in China, with an aim to help foreign asset managers better plan and implement their China strategy.
Please scan the QR code to obtain the English version of the China Chapter of the International Asset Management and Investment Funds Review 2025/26.
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